PrivIQ and Waldrand Law announce exclusive channel partnership for Estonia.

Read in Estonian.

PrivIQ, a leading provider of global data privacy compliance management software, has signed an exclusive channel partner agreement for Estonia with Waldrand Law, a prominent provider of legal services in Estonia.

The PrivIQ software as a service (SAAS) solution provides an SME, Mid-Tier and Enterprise solution to organisations needing to comply with the EU GDPR regulations. Globally compliance with data privacy regulations is being legislated in more and more countries, it is expected that by 2023 65% of the world’s population will have its personal information covered under modern privacy regulations.

Many organisations are still using spreadsheets and paper based systems to manage their data privacy programs and this is proving inadequate, time consuming and non-collaborative. Managing ongoing compliance with the data privacy and protection regulations is complex and requires a software service in order to do it efficiently.

Tônu Metsaar the CEO of Waldrand Law says “We chose PrivIQ after looking at a number of data privacy software solutions worldwide, we liked PrivIQ for their quick responses and professional attitude. The software is easy to use, has a great product market fit as well as the ability to quickly translate into Estonian. These factors gave us the confidence to take this solution to the Estonian market.”

Under the agreement Waldrand Law will be able to sell direct to clients, as well as to build a network of partner resellers, skilled data protection officers (DPO’s) who will be able to offer the solution to their clients on an ongoing basis and assist with the necessary consulting in order to ensure a successful data privacy management programme is in place in the client organisations.

“We are very excited to have such an experienced and well connected partner in Estonia, Waldrand Law will translate our solution into Estonian, and build a client base in Estonia over time”, says Tai Chesselet, CEO of PrivIQ, “We look forward to a long and productive relationship”.

The global data privacy global market size is set to grow from USD 1.12 billion in 2020 to USD 17.75 billion by 2028, this is a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 41.5%.

Data privacy management software enables organisations to manage and operate customer’s, staff and supplier’s personal data in a controlled and secure manner. The increasing loss of data through ransomware attacks, data theft and other malicious actions have forced governments of various countries to implement data privacy enforcement laws and regulations. These laws are essentially guides to building a trustworthy, secure and able organisation in the digital age.

About Waldrand Law:

Waldrand Law OÜ was founded in Estonia in 1993. We have been focusing on IT and data protection law for a long time, serving clients from both the private and public sectors both domestically and outside Estonia.

The founder and owner of Waldrand Law, mag.iur Tõnu Metsäär has compiled several legal acts currently in force in Estonia, as well as .ee domain rules.

They provide the services of a data protection specialists in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR and advise data controllers on ensuring compliance.

Their website is:

About PrivIQ:

PrivIQ is based out of Amsterdam, Netherlands, we Build Trust for our clients, between them and their stakeholders, by providing clear, concise data privacy compliance management software under a SAAS model.

PrivIQ is regulation specific software covering 34 countries worldwide, 10 global regulations and 40% of the global GDP. With over 750 clients and a network of partners worldwide, PrivIQ is positioned to offer Intelligent Compliance, Simply.



Uus privaatsushaldustarkvara eesti keeles. ja sõlmisid eksklusiivse partnerlepingu.

Hollandi tehnoloogiaettevõte sõlmis 31.03.2022.a ainuesindusõigusega partnerlepingu haldaja Waldrand Law OÜ-ga oma privaatsushaldustarkvara pakkumiseks ka Eestis.

See annab võimaluse tarkvara kasutamiseks ka Eesti andmetöötlejatele ja välistele andmekaitsespetsialistidele ning 100% eesti keelsena. PrivIQ pakub spetsiaalseid SAAS-lahendusi isikuandmete ja nende töötlemistoimingute haldamiseks eri suurusega ettevõtetele, samuti avaliku sektori asutustele nende vajadustest lähtudes - ehk tegelikult kõigile, kes on kohustatud järgima GDPR-i nõudeid.

Paljud kasutavad endiselt EXCEL-i tabeleid, mis aga on kaasaegse tarkvaraga võrreldes osutunud selgelt ebapiisavaks, koostöövõimetuks ja aeganõudvaks lahenduseks. GDPR-i järgimine on keeruline ja selle nõuetele vastavuse tagamiseks on vaja kasutada ennast praktikas tõestanud tarkvara.

Waldrand Law CEO Tônu Metsäär:

„Valisime PrivIQ pärast seda, kui oleme analüüsinud mitmeid andmeprivaatsuse tarkvaralahendusi üle maailma. Meile meeldis PrivIQ väga kiire reageerimise ja professionaalse suhtumise tõttu. Tarkvara on lihtne kasutada, see sobib Eesti turule, samuti on võimalik kiire eesti keelde tõlkimine. Need tegurid annavad kindlustunde, et tegime õige otsuse“.

PrivIQ CEO Tai Chesselet:

"Oleme väga põnevil, et meil on Eestis nii kogenud partner. Waldrand Law tõlgib meie lahendused eesti keelde ja loob aja jooksul Eestisse kliendibaasi. Usume, et meie jaoks on tulemas pikk ja produktiivne koostöö“.

Andmekaitsetarkvarade globaalse turu suurus kasvab professionaalsetel hinnangutel 1,12 miljardilt USA dollarilt 2020. aastal 17,75 miljardile 2028. aastaks. Need võimaldavad hallata oma klientide, töötajate ja tarnijate isikuandmeid kontrollitult ja turvaliselt.

Lunavararünnakute, andmevarguste ja muude pahatahtlike toimingute tõttu kasvavate riskide ja kahjude vähendamiseks ning avalikkuse ees enda usaldusväärsuse säilitamiseks on õigete „DPO-tööriistade“ kasutamine digitaalajastul möödapääsmatu.

Waldrand Law OÜ on asutatud Eestis 1993.a, osutades praegu valdavalt andmekaitseteenuseid.
Büroo teenindab era- ja avaliku sektori kliente nii Eestis kui välismaal ning nõustab andmetöötlejaid GDPR-vastavuse tagamisel nii õiguslik-korralduslikes kui ka infoturbe tehnilistes küsimustes.
Vaata lähemalt:

PrivIQ on regulatsioonispetsiifiline tarkvara, mis hõlmab 34 riiki üle maailma ja 10 andmekaitseregulatsiooni riikides, mis annavad 40% kogu maailma SKTst. Oma üle 750 kliendi ja suure võrgustikuga on PrivIQ väga heal turupositsioonil.
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