
Where to find us at the Data World Protection Forum?

Come to visit us at the Demo zone
The Data Protection World Forum is just a few days away, so we’re letting you know where to find us: we will be situated in the Demo Zone, alongside the GDPR Refresh Theatre.
Nick Eckert (co-founder), James Hull (Account Manager) and myself will there to meet you, along with our partners 123DPO at the demo zone.
The DPWF is the place to go for information ideas and advice on all-things data protection, from appointing a data protection officer and handling subject access requests to finding out about the future of data protection.
There’ll be keynote speeches, talks, panel discussions and networking around all aspects of data privacy and the GDPR, along with 60+ service providers showcasing their products.You can expect to be enlightened about the GDPR and Brexit, the GDPR and cyber safety, your rights under the GDPR, risk management, data governance and much more.
To be able to attend the best conferences, claim your 50% discount on a two-day pass that will give you access to all events. On top of that if you register with us and if you come by our demo pod, you will get a branded key tracker.
Looking forward to seeing you on 20 & 21 November 2018 at the ExCel in London!
Catch us behind the scenes at #GDPR365DPWF

the floor plan of the Data world protection forum

Click on the floor plan to enlarge it.

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